
Revealed: Why drums are so hard to play?

by Madonna

 Drums, with their rhythmic power and energetic presence, pose a significant challenge to aspiring musicians. Mastering the art of drumming requires dedication, skill, and perseverance. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why drums are considered difficult to play. From the technical demands to the mental and physical coordination required, we will explore the intricacies of drumming and shed light on the rewards that await those who overcome these challenges. Join us as we unveil the complexities of drumming and celebrate the artistry that lies within.

What is a drum

A drum is a musical instrument that belongs to the percussion family. It is one of the oldest and most widely used instruments across cultures and musical genres. Drums typically consist of a hollow cylindrical or bowl-shaped body, known as the drum shell, which is covered on one or both ends with a drumhead or drum skin. The drumhead is usually made of animal skin or synthetic materials like Mylar or Kevlar.


Drums produce sound when the drumhead is struck with hands, drumsticks, mallets, or other implements. The vibrations created by the impact of the striking tool travel through the drumhead and resonate within the drum shell, resulting in the characteristic sound produced by the drum.


Who is the world’s first drummer

The world’s first drummer is difficult to determine with certainty, as the origins of drumming date back thousands of years. Drums and percussion instruments have been used in various cultures throughout history for communication, religious ceremonies, and entertainment. Different forms of drumming likely emerged independently in multiple regions of the world.


One of the earliest recorded instances of drumming comes from ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 2600 BCE. Cuneiform tablets from that era depict drummers playing cylindrical drums. Ancient Egypt also had a rich drumming tradition, with depictions of drummers dating back to around 3000 BCE.

In many indigenous cultures, drumming has been an integral part of their music and rituals for centuries. For example, Native American tribes, African tribes, and Aboriginal Australians have a long history of drumming traditions.

Given the long history and global presence of drumming, it is challenging to pinpoint a specific individual as the world’s first drummer. Drumming likely emerged organically in various cultures throughout time, and the art form has continued to evolve and thrive in countless ways.

Why drums are so hard to play?

Drums can be challenging to play for several reasons:


Drumming requires the coordination of both hands and both feet, each performing different patterns simultaneously. Coordinating these movements can be difficult, especially for beginners who are not accustomed to the independent use of their limbs.

Rhythm and timing:

Drummers need to have a strong sense of rhythm and timing. They must be able to maintain a steady beat while playing various rhythms and fills. This skill takes time and practice to develop, as it involves listening to the music and syncing with other musicians.


Drumming involves using proper technique to produce a desired sound. This includes learning how to hold the drumsticks correctly, striking the drums and cymbals with the right amount of force, and controlling the rebound of the sticks. Developing good technique requires time, patience, and proper instruction.

Physical demands:

Playing drums can be physically demanding. Drummers need to have strength and endurance in their arms, wrists, and legs to play for extended periods of time. Building the necessary physical stamina takes consistent practice and conditioning.


While drums primarily provide rhythm and support to a musical ensemble, skilled drummers also need to understand musical concepts such as dynamics, accents, and fills. They must be able to adapt their playing to complement the music and enhance its overall sound.

Despite the challenges, with dedication, practice, and guidance, anyone can learn to play the drums. Starting with the basics and gradually building skills over time will help aspiring drummers overcome these difficulties and become proficient players.

Learn the art of drumming

Learning the art of drumming can be a fulfilling and exciting journey. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, here are some steps to get you started:

Acquire a drum kit:

Start by obtaining a drum kit or practice pad. A basic drum set consists of a snare drum, bass drum, hi-hat, and a few cymbals. If you don’t have access to a full drum kit, a practice pad is a cost-effective alternative for developing your technique.

Learn drum notation:

Familiarize yourself with drum notation, which is a system of writing drum music. This will enable you to read and interpret drum sheet music accurately. Begin with basic concepts like note values, time signatures, and drumming symbols.

Master drumming techniques:

Focus on essential drumming techniques such as grip, stroke types, and rudiments. There are various grip styles, including matched grip (both hands holding the sticks the same way) and traditional grip (one hand holds the stick differently). Practice stroke types like the full stroke, half stroke, and tap to control volume and dynamics. Rudiments are fundamental patterns that develop your coordination and dexterity, so learn and practice them regularly.

Start with basic beats:

Begin playing basic drum beats to develop your rhythm and coordination. Start with simple rock or pop beats, focusing on playing consistent time and maintaining a steady tempo. Practice playing these beats along with a metronome to improve your sense of timing.

Explore drumming styles and genres:

As you progress, explore different drumming styles and genres that interest you. Whether it’s rock, jazz, funk, Latin, or metal, each style has its unique techniques and patterns. Listen to drummers from various genres to gain inspiration and expand your musical vocabulary.

Develop limb independence:

Drumming requires limb independence, meaning you can play different rhythms with each limb simultaneously. Practice exercises that focus on developing independence between your hands and feet. Start with simple coordination exercises and gradually progress to more complex patterns.

Seek guidance and resources:

Consider taking drum lessons from a qualified instructor. They can provide personalized feedback, correct any technique issues, and guide you through your learning journey. Additionally, there are numerous online resources, tutorials, books, and drumming communities that can help you progress.

Practice regularly:

Consistent practice is key to improving your drumming skills. Dedicate regular time to practice, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Set specific goals, track your progress, and challenge yourself to learn new patterns, fills, and songs.

Remember, learning the art of drumming takes time and patience. Enjoy the process, stay motivated, and have fun exploring your creativity on the drums.


Drums are indeed challenging instruments to master, requiring a combination of technical skill, coordination, musicality, and mental focus. However, the journey of learning to play drums is equally rewarding. Drummers who persevere and embrace the challenges discover the joy of creating infectious beats, driving the energy of the music, and being an integral part of the rhythmic heartbeat. So, embrace the challenges, let the rhythm guide you, and unlock the immense satisfaction that lies within the artistry of drumming.


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