
What Not to Do When Learning Piano: Mistakes & Tips

by Madonna

Learning to play the piano is a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and moments of musical discovery. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or an experienced player looking to refine your skills, it’s essential to approach piano learning with patience, dedication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. In this guide, we’ll explore some common pitfalls to avoid when learning piano, along with practical tips, encouragement, and resources to support your musical journey.

Common Mistakes

Learning piano involves mastering both technical skills and musical expression, which can be challenging for beginners and experienced players alike. Some common mistakes to avoid when learning piano include:


Incorrect Finger Positioning: One of the most common mistakes beginners make is using incorrect finger positioning or hand posture when playing the piano. This can lead to tension, fatigue, and poor technique, hindering progress and increasing the risk of injury.


Rushing Through Pieces: Many students fall into the trap of rushing through pieces, sacrificing accuracy and musicality for speed. This can result in sloppy playing, missed notes, and an overall lack of control over dynamics and phrasing.


Inconsistent Practice Routines: Consistency is key when it comes to learning piano. Skipping practice sessions or practicing sporadically can impede progress and hinder skill development. It’s essential to establish a regular practice routine and stick to it, even on days when motivation is low.

Psychological Aspects

Learning piano can be as much a mental challenge as a physical one, especially for adult learners who may face unique psychological barriers. Some common mental barriers to piano learning include:

Unrealistic Expectations: Adult learners often set unrealistic expectations for themselves, expecting to progress quickly and achieve mastery in a short amount of time. When progress is slower than anticipated, it can lead to frustration, self-doubt, and a lack of motivation to continue practicing.

Pressure to Perform: Many adult learners feel pressure to perform well and meet external expectations, whether from teachers, family members, or peers. This pressure can create anxiety, perfectionism, and a fear of failure, inhibiting creativity and musical expression.

Practical Tips

To overcome common mistakes and psychological barriers when learning piano, consider implementing the following practical tips:

Focus on Slow, Deliberate Practice: Instead of rushing through pieces, focus on slow, deliberate practice to build accuracy, control, and muscle memory. Break down difficult passages into smaller sections and practice them at a comfortable tempo before gradually increasing speed.

Set Achievable Goals: Set realistic, achievable goals for your piano learning journey, whether it’s mastering a specific piece, improving technical skills, or learning a new musical concept. Break larger goals down into smaller, manageable tasks and celebrate your progress along the way.

Learning Resources

Whether you’re learning piano on your own or with the guidance of a teacher, there are many resources available to support your musical journey:

Online Tutorials: Websites such as YouTube, Piano Marvel, and Playground Sessions offer a wealth of free piano tutorials, lessons, and instructional videos for players of all skill levels.

Apps: Piano learning apps like Simply Piano, Flowkey, and Yousician provide interactive lessons, exercises, and feedback to help you improve your piano skills on the go.

Books: There are countless piano method books, sheet music collections, and instructional guides available for players of all ages and abilities. Look for books that align with your musical interests and learning goals.

SEE ALSO: Mastering Piano Chords

Technical Skills

In addition to practicing pieces and learning repertoire, it’s essential to focus on building a strong foundation of technical skills. Here are some exercises to incorporate into your practice routine:

Scales: Practice major and minor scales in all keys, focusing on evenness of tone, finger agility, and coordination between hands.

Arpeggios: Practice arpeggios in all keys, paying attention to hand position, finger independence, and smooth transitions between notes.

Sight-Reading: Improve your sight-reading skills by regularly reading through new pieces of music, focusing on rhythm, tempo, and musical interpretation.

By incorporating these technical exercises into your practice routine, you can strengthen your playing technique, improve your musicality, and become a more confident and proficient pianist.


In conclusion, learning piano is a rewarding and fulfilling experience that requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. By avoiding common pitfalls, embracing the process, and seeking out resources and support, you can overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and enjoy the journey of musical discovery. Remember to be kind to yourself, stay patient, and keep the joy of making music at the forefront of your piano learning journey.


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