
Ukulele Harmony Enlivens Paisley & District u3a’s Summer Picnic

by Madonna

Despite impending rain, the spirit of camaraderie and music was undeterred among Paisley & District u3a members, who converged for a melodious picnic.

Amidst the idyllic setting of Ferguslie Cricket Club, 14 adept ukulele players took center stage, orchestrating a harmonious serenade that resonated with the hearts of attendees. Musicians from both East Renfrewshire u3a and the Men’s Shed in Barrhead lent their musical talents, infusing the event with a light-hearted ambiance.


Kathy O’Donnell, Chair of u3a, reflected on the significance of the occasion: “In the luminous year of 2022, we celebrated the ruby anniversary of the u3a movement. This commemoration took the form of a vibrant summer picnic and barbecue, embellished by an alfresco performance by the esteemed Caledonian Fiddle Orchestra. The resonance of this event was so profound that our committee unanimously decided to institute an annual picnic infused with music.”


She went on to highlight the recent advent of ukulele taster sessions within their u3a community. A fervent interest in learning the melodic intricacies of this cheerful instrument spurred the creation of a ukulele enthusiast group. A network spanning neighboring ukulele ensembles was established, laying the groundwork for collaborative musical endeavors.


The news of Paisley & District u3a’s musical gathering rippled through the region, capturing the attention of fellow musicians from East Renfrewshire u3a and the Barrhead Men’s Shed. Eager to contribute their musical talents, they embraced the opportunity to perform at the picnic. An eclectic selection of songs spanning the decades adorned the atmosphere, ranging from Al Jolson’s iconic “Campdown Races” to Peter Nardini’s whimsical “I Blew a Kiss from Wishaw Cross.”

The musicians’ enchanting melodies were met with a warm and appreciative reception from the gathered audience. Their heartfelt performances cast a harmonious spell, leading to an invitation extended to Paisley & District u3a’s budding ukulele enthusiasts, encouraging them to hone their craft through collaborative summer practice sessions.

Anticipation now swirls around the forthcoming restart of Paisley & District u3a’s ukulele group in September. The group aspires to unite a diverse community of music enthusiasts, inviting newcomers to explore the joy of creating music together in perfect harmony.


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